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FX.co ★ Turkey's CPI Exceeds Expectations in April 2024

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Turkey's CPI Exceeds Expectations in April 2024

In April 2024, Turkey's Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding energy, food, beverages, tobacco, and gold (CPI Ex E,F,B,T&G) surpassed expectations by reaching 75.8%, a slight increase from the previous month's 75.2% in March 2024. The data, updated on 03 May 2024, shows a year-over-year comparison, indicating how prices have changed compared to the same month a year ago.

This uptick in the CPI suggests that inflationary pressures may still be present in the Turkish economy. The higher-than-expected CPI figure could potentially impact consumers' purchasing power and the overall economic stability of the country. Economists and policymakers will be closely monitoring these developments to assess the need for any necessary interventions to curb inflation and ensure sustainable economic growth in Turkey.

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