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FX.co ★ United States Average Hourly Earnings Drop to 3.9% in April 2024

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ফরেক্স সংবাদ:::2024-05-03T12:30:00

United States Average Hourly Earnings Drop to 3.9% in April 2024

In recent economic news coming out of the United States, the average hourly earnings for workers in the country have seen a slight decrease. The latest data for April 2024 indicates that the average hourly earnings have dropped to 3.9%, down from 4.1% in March 2024.

This change, reflected in the Year-over-Year comparison, shows a slight decline in earnings growth when compared to the same period a year ago. The data, which was updated on 3rd May 2024, highlights a shift in the financial landscape for workers in the United States. It will be essential to monitor future trends in earnings to understand the broader implications for the economy and individuals' purchasing power.

As the world continues to navigate through economic fluctuations, changes in key indicators like average hourly earnings provide valuable insights into the overall health of the labor market and the financial well-being of workers.

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