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FX.co ★ ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment in the US Drops to 45.9 in April 2024

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ফরেক্স সংবাদ:::2024-05-03T14:00:00

ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment in the US Drops to 45.9 in April 2024

The latest data on the ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment in the United States indicates a decline to 45.9 in April 2024, down from 48.5 in March 2024. This decrease points to a shrinking workforce in non-manufacturing sectors across the country. The updated figures were released on May 3, 2024, highlighting the ongoing challenges in employment within these industries.

The drop in the ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment index could suggest a slowdown in hiring or increased layoffs within service-based sectors. As the economy continues to navigate uncertainties, keeping a watchful eye on employment trends will be crucial for understanding the broader impact on the US labor market and economic recovery efforts. Investors and policymakers will likely pay close attention to future data releases to gauge the health of the non-manufacturing workforce and its implications for the overall economic outlook.

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