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FX.co ★ CFTC Data Shows Decrease in CAD Speculative Net Positions for Canada

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ফরেক্স সংবাদ:::2024-05-03T19:30:00

CFTC Data Shows Decrease in CAD Speculative Net Positions for Canada

The latest data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) indicates a decrease in the Canadian Dollar (CAD) speculative net positions. As of the latest update on May 3, 2024, the previous indicator had dropped to -76.5K and the current indicator further decreased to -63.2K. This shift suggests that market sentiment towards the CAD has weakened among speculators.

The CFTC's data on speculative net positions provides insight into market expectations and sentiment towards a particular currency. A decrease in net positions indicates a more bearish outlook on the currency's future performance. Traders and analysts will be closely monitoring how this may impact the CAD's exchange rates and overall forex market dynamics in the coming weeks.

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