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FX.co ★ CFTC S&P 500 Speculative Net Positions Decline to 43.1K, Latest Data Shows

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ফরেক্স সংবাদ:::2024-05-03T19:30:00

CFTC S&P 500 Speculative Net Positions Decline to 43.1K, Latest Data Shows

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has reported a significant decrease in speculative net positions for the S&P 500 in the United States. According to the latest data released on May 3, 2024, the indicator has dropped to 43.1K, down from the previous reading of 67.7K.

This decline in speculative net positions suggests a shift in investor sentiment towards the S&P 500. Traders appear to be reducing their bets on the index, possibly reflecting concerns about market conditions or future performance. The decrease in net positions could indicate a more cautious approach among market participants, with implications for the overall stability and direction of the S&P 500 in the near term. Investors will be watching closely to see how these changes in speculative positioning may impact market dynamics moving forward.

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