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FX.co ★ UK Retail Sales Outlook Improve Slightly as CBI Indicator Reaches -15 in December

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UK Retail Sales Outlook Improve Slightly as CBI Indicator Reaches -15 in December

The latest figures from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Distributive Trades Survey signal a modest rebound in the UK retail sector as the indicator improved to -15 in December, up from -18 in November. The survey, updated on 20 December 2024, reflects a slight improvement in retailer sentiment during this period, although the overall outlook remains challenging.

This incremental increase suggests that retailers are experiencing marginally better conditions, albeit still facing significant pressures. The negative territory of the indicator indicates that the number of retailers reporting a decrease in sales still outweighs those reporting an increase, underscoring persistent headwinds within the sector.

With these figures, analysts are cautiously optimistic about potential stabilization within the retail market, while also emphasizing the need for continued vigilance and relevant policy support to sustain any recovery. The December improvement marks a step forward but showcases the ongoing challenges that retailers must navigate to regain stronger positive momentum.

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