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FX.co ★ U.S. Bancorp Appoints Gunjan Kedia To Succeed Andy Cecere As CEO

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U.S. Bancorp Appoints Gunjan Kedia To Succeed Andy Cecere As CEO

U.S. Bancorp (USB) has announced that its President, Gunjan Kedia, will be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer following the organization's annual shareholders meeting scheduled for April 15. The current Chairman and CEO, Andy Cecere, will transition to the role of Executive Chairman, where he will continue to guide the Board of Directors and assist Kedia as she steps into her new position.

Kedia, age 54, has been with U.S. Bancorp since 2016 and brings nearly three decades of expertise in the financial services sector. Her career includes global executive roles at State Street Financial and BNY Mellon, as well as senior leadership positions at McKinsey & Company and PwC.

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