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FX.co ★ Barack Obama: master or amateur

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সচিত্র সংবাদ:::2017-04-10T10:07:38

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    Presidential history of Barack Obama came to its logical conclusion. Already in November the chair of the US head was occupied by Trump.

    Residents of the United States placed high hopes on the first-ever black president in the country's history. What important American decisions the Democrat managed to take in the eight years of government, see below.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

    In the first year of his tenure as US President, Barack Obama managed to win the Nobel Peace Prize "for his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among nations." This policy was awarded in advance for the desire to end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many people have given mixed reviews to the victory of the American leader in this nomination, as real actions on the withdrawal of troops from the conflict zone were made only a few years later - in 2011 and 2014.

    Let's note, since 2014 in Iraq 3,5 thousand soldiers from the USA have been serving again. All of them, according to official figures, are obliged to resist the ISIS fighters.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    The duel between Obama and terrorism, as well as the assassination of Usama bin Laden

    The American campaign against terrorism has been lasting for a long time - it was launched by former US President George W. Bush after the notorious September 11 attacks. Becoming president, Obama renamed it "an overseas special operation", tried to take uncomplicated steps in this direction, and in 2013 announced its completion.

    However, experts believe that the most notorious event of Barack Obama's first presidential term can be called the murder of the main terrorist of the 2000s - Usama bin Laden. The leader of Al-Qaeda was liquidated on May 2, 2011, in Pakistan.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    Elimination of individual terrorists

    By wrapping up a campaign called "War on Terrorism", Obama decided to expand Bush's campaign of targeted liquidation of citizens related to terrorist groups. For such purposes, the States have used and continue to use drones. Many have long realized that such a policy is not the most humane - during civil strikes, civilians often die.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    Obama's diplomatic victory over Russia

    Barack Obama decided to compensate the end of the fighting in Iraq by the military campaign in Libya. To avoid the reputational and military errors that the campaign in Iraq abounded in, the States sent to the conflict zone not land forces, but aviation. Russia, which could block this action (the country had the right of veto), decided to abstain. Political scientists believe that Obama's correct tactics led to such a result.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    States against ISIS

    Since 2014, the United States has been at the head of an international coalition to oppose the "Islamic state".

    Washington opposes Syrian President Bashar Assad, while Russia, on the contrary, supports politics.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    Iranian nuclear program

    Barack Obama, unlike his predecessors, managed to agree with the Iranian president on the nuclear program. In April 2015, the countries reached a compromise: Iran promised to limit its nuclear program, and the US and several other states were forced to weaken sanctions against the republic.

Barack Obama: master or amateur

    Revival of friendship between Cuba and the USA

    For more than half a century, there was a silence between Washington and Havana. In 2013, for the first time since 1960, representatives of the US government visited the Island of Freedom. The meeting was a success - in 2016, the US President himself arrived in Cuba.

    The island, which for many years was ignored by American tourists (US citizens were banned from entering the country), today welcomes the first guests from the neighboring country.

Barack Obama: master or amateur
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