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FX.co ★ World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

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সচিত্র সংবাদ:::2017-04-04T10:03:33

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The UNESCO experts have added to the list a unique natural object - the mountain Indian massif of Kangchenjunga.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The cities, in which the most famous architect Le Corbusier created his works, can be proud of the buildings he built. From now on, all the houses built by Corbusier's projects will be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    In the treasury of Mexico, another important natural object has appeared, which will be protected by UNESCO, the Revillagigedo archipelago.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Iranians can be proud of Dasht-e Loot Desert - this natural monument will henceforth also be protected by UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The archaeological complex of Philippi was added to a number of ancient Greek monuments that are already under the protection of UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Medieval tombstones under the name Stećak, found on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also entered the list of new protected sites.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The amazing archaeological monument of Mistaken Point, located in Canada, will now also be guarded by UNESCO staff. This unusual place is rich in hundreds of ancient fossils.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Colorful coral reefs can be found not only in the Caribbean and Maldives, but also in Sudan. UNESCO has taken under its wing the Sanganeb National Park and the Dongonab Bay, which are rich in the underwater world and the beauty of nature.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The lack of clean natural air is one of the main problems of China. The country can not boast of a rich green territory, which is why the untouched district of Shennongjia was taken under UNESCO's care.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Micronesia also has its own sights. Thus, the ruins of the prehistoric city, found in this region, are included in the updated list of UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    A new object in the UNESCO World Heritage List is the city of Ahwar in Southern Iraq. It is here that archaeologists discovered traces of the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    In the photo: another Indian object of the list is the monastery of Nalanda.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Antigua and Barbuda are famous not only for beaches with turquoise water but also for historical monuments. Royal shipyards attracted the attention of UNESCO. Now this object will be under careful guard.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Found in the Chinese mountains of Hua rock art also attracted the attention of the organization.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    Partially preserved Turkish city of Ani (the capital of medieval Armenia) is another "lucky" of the list. Now, the ruins of the ancient settlement will be guarded by UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

In the photo: Persian channels are an Iranian landmark that now will be protected by UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    From now on, the beauty of the Western Tien Shan, which occupies the territory of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, will be watched by UNESCO.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The Pampulha region of the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte attracted UNESCO with its unusual architecture.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The picturesque cave complex of Gorham, belonging to Great Britain, also came in an updated list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    In the photo: the unique sight of Chad and the UNESCO-protected natural site - the mountain plateau of Ennedi.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list

    The dolmens Antequera close the rating of new attractions that are under the protection of UNESCO. These ancient monuments are located in the Spanish province of Malaga.

World values: 21 new attractions have been added to the UNESCO list
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