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FX.co ★ 15 professions, erased by time

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সচিত্র সংবাদ:::2017-03-27T05:11:19

15 professions, erased by time

    Once upon a time, the profession of the human alarm clocks was very relevant. It was the most popular in England. The task of the professional of this case was simple, but responsible - to wake people up with a knock on the window so that they were not late for work. Everyone who hired a knocker-up paid him a stipulated amount of money.

15 professions, erased by time

    At a time when there were no refrigerators with freezers, the icebreaker profession was in high esteem. It was characterized by injuriousness and work in difficult weather conditions.

15 professions, erased by time

    In the past centuries, urban residents were very afraid of rats - these animals carried the most dangerous viral diseases. In order to avoid an epidemic of plague, Pied Piper worked in the streets. They hunted for fast and dangerous animals.

15 professions, erased by time

    Many of the children's fairy tales are known for the image of the chimney sweep. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, professional chimney sweeps were in price. This work was low-paid and dangerous since it was necessary to work at a considerable height.

15 professions, erased by time

    Bowling is an invention of the 21st century. The game has existed before, but in the last century, there were no special machines that put in place the knocked down pins and serve balls. It was then that there was a profession of man in the bowling alley. Live people, not technicians corrected pins before the next throw.

15 professions, erased by time

    Another forgotten profession is the lamplighter. At a time when electricity was not yet a familiar companion of urban residents, the light in lanterns appeared precisely because of the people of this profession.

15 professions, erased by time

    A forgotten and very strange profession - raftsman of the forest - was complicated. Manually transferring logs to woodworking enterprises was possible only by physically strong young people.

15 professions, erased by time

    Until the middle of the last century, the profession of the operator of a telephone exchange was widespread in megacities. Since home phones were very rare, companies used hand-held switches. As a rule, in this profession, young girls with excellent communication skills were employed.

15 professions, erased by time

    The profession of the daguerreotypy was in the esteem before the invention of the camera. People, wishing to get a card with their image, went to a man who had a special apparatus, a daguerreotype, and perfectly controlled it. As a result, the client received a snapshot of himself, as a rule, against the background of an artificially created landscape.

15 professions, erased by time

    An important profession of the 20th century is the railroader. It is thanks to professionals who have learned how to lay the rails, trains have become a popular mode of transport.

15 professions, erased by time

    Another profession, left in the past, is the herald. Many people know about the heralds from historical films. In ancient times people, endowed with oratorical talent, were in the center of attention. The heralds, before reading out the important news, rang the bell.

15 professions, erased by time

    Milkman is another profession that has become a victim of new technologies. The milkman's work was similar to the work of a postman - laden with milk and other dairy products, the man carried them to the people's homes. As a rule, the goods were delivered on a daily basis.

15 professions, erased by time

    A listener for the detection of enemy aircraft is a real profession. Specially trained people, clinging to an impressive device, tried to catch the sounds of enemy vehicles.

15 professions, erased by time

    Another profession, left in the past, is a reader of newspapers. People who did not have the radio, especially appreciated citizens reading out news from prints out loud.

15 professions, erased by time

    The images of lifters are often found in historical films. Today, for the elevator to move, it is enough to press one button, but before that special skills were required for this. A man of this profession was distinguished by an expensive kind of clothes and, as a rule, elegant gloves.

15 professions, erased by time
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