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FX.co ★ Seven important global risks in 2019

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সচিত্র সংবাদ:::2019-01-28T19:30:43

Seven important global risks in 2019

Long-term global crises

Experst are sure that most world leaders are so busy dealing with short-term local crises that they’re ignoring much bigger problems down the road that could lead to collapse. In the first place, the outlook for institutions like the European Union and the World Trade Organization is negative. Geopolitical tensions are also created by the trade war between the United States and China.

Seven important global risks in 2019

US-China trade war

At the moment, further prospects for the development of trade relations between Washington and Beijing remain unclear. Even a truce in the trade war won’t fix the situation, analysts believe. They are confident that we should expect more discord in the arenas of technology, economics and security.

Seven important global risks in 2019

Cyber wars

According to experts, this year is likely to be a turning point in cyber competition. US authorities may begin to actively demonstrate their leadership in this area. This show of strength will not pass without a trace, and other countries will take retaliatory actions, analysts sum up.

Seven important global risks in 2019

European populism

In May 2019, when the EU holds parliamentary elections, euro-skeptics from both the left and right will win more seats that ever before. Note that at the moment, they’re winning by promising to ignore EU rules.

Seven important global risks in 2019

US domestic policy

According to experts, This will be a chaotic year for US domestic politics. Analysts believe that the level of political uncertainty in the country will be extremely high. At the same time, the American president found support in the face of a number of global leaders who do not wish to support the idea of the United States as a stronghold of the global order. These sentiments will contribute to further de-globalization, experts believe.

Seven important global risks in 2019

Slowdown in innovations

Analysts at Eurasia Group predict a reduction in the financial and human capital available to drive technological development. Experts blame three factors: security concerns, privacy concerns, and economic concerns.

Seven important global risks in 2019


The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union is also noteworthy. There are many difficulties in this process. For exmple, British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal was voted down by the Parliament. According to experts, in general, the current year will be very messy for Europe.

Seven important global risks in 2019
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