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FX.co ★ PaxForex - Рейтинг на брокер, отзиви и коментари

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Начална година:2010
Страна на произход:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Регулиране:KROUFR, Russian Regulation center for OTC financial instruments and technologies (CRFIN)
Начини на плащане:international wire transfer, WebMoney, Visa and MasterCard cards, Skrill, Neteller, CashU, OKPAY, Perfect Money
Минимален размер на сметката:$10
Минимален размер на партидата:0.01
Спредовете:from 0.3 points

PaxForex is a UK brokerage company providing its clients with high-quality support and reliable trading terms. The broker started operating in 2010.
PaxForex is a dynamically developing company that strives to offer the most relevant and unique services for the forex market. One of these services is the $7 Forex No Deposit Bonus. Besides, there is also the Forex Deposit Bonus that is a good opportunity to trade on Forex with some extra funds. The bonus can be used both as a margin and trading funds. The bonusu2019 key function is to increase trading volume and reach a required margin. A new bonus is credited to every next deposit.
PaxForexu2019 characteristics include:
  • Wide range of account types: Mini (minimum deposit of $10), Standard, VIP, Fix, and Demo;
  • Spread from 0.3 pips;
  • No commissions;
  • Instant Execution and Market Execution;
  • Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500;
  • Various trading instruments: 24 currency pairs, gold, and silver;
  • MetaTrader 4 platform (Android, iPhone, Mobile);
  • Trading without limits: advisors, hedging, scalping, limitless trade size;
  • Complete control over investments;
  • High-speed payment processing.
To form an impartial judgment, read PaxForex reviews in Comments below.

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