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FX.co ★ Orbex - Рейтинг на брокер, отзиви и коментари

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Начална година:2011
Страна на произход:Cyprus
Регулиране:CySEC (Cyprus), MiFID, FCA, BaFIN
Начини на плащане:wire transfer, WebMoney, Neteller, Moneybookers, Cashu
Минимален размер на сметката:$500
Минимален размер на партидата:0,01
Спредовете:from 0.6 pips

Orbex is an international brokerage company which majors in trading currencies, precious metals, commodities, CFDs, and futures. The company was established in 2010 in Cyprus.
Orbex clients enjoy a range of advantages such as:
  • A possibility of trading several assets;
  • Opening an ECN account through the MetaTrader4 platform;
  • Absolute liquidity provided by first-class banks;
  • Trading without commissions;
  • Fixed and floating spreads.
What is more, the broker invented Orbex TradeLab, a system of swapping ideas on trading. It enables traders around the world to present their trading signals and market outlooks and to share ideas with each other. Besides, clients can watch out for successful traders, keeping track of their signals and forex ideas. This service operates free of charge.
The company offers trading conditions to suit clients with different experience in Forex, from beginners to trading practitioners. For example, newcomers can open special accounts which require a minimum deposit of $500. Confident traders are offered standard accounts with a deposit of over $3,000. Professional traders can register advanced accounts which prescribe a deposit of over $50,000, a fixed spread of 0.9 pips, and a zero commission. Moreover, the broker suggests using swap-free accounts or Islamic accounts.
Orbex won different awards such as the Best FX Forecast & Strategy Provider 2013, the Fastest Growing Broker in China 2012 etc.
Orbex reviews from real traders can be found in the Comments section.

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