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FX.co ★ Key to Markets - Рейтинг на брокер, отзиви и коментари

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Key to Markets

Начална година:2010
Страна на произход:-
Регулиране:FCA, FSCL, FSP
Начини на плащане:Skrill, Neteller, bank wire transfer, ePayments
Минимален размер на сметката:€/$100
Минимален размер на партидата:0.01 lots
Спредовете:from 0 pips

About the company
Key to Markets is an independent brokerage company that provides institutional, corporate, and individual clients with access to financial markets. It offers a wide range of products and extensive customer support so that clients could enjoy full and innovative trading experience. The team of experts who use a transparent and effective approach makes Key to Markets a reliable partner for both professional and private investors.
Mission & Concepts
Key to Markets aims to give its clients an opportunity to become more successful and improve their trading results. To attain this goal, the company takes the following steps:
- provides the highest level of customer support, competitive products, and top-quality educational materials
- takes professional approach when it comes to transparency and objectivity and constructive approach when it comes to financial products
- improves trading experience, applying client-oriented technological innovations
- promotes the practice of hedging financial risks in small and middle-size companies.
The company’s specialists strongly believe that building long-term relationship based on trust and respect is mutually beneficial.
Key to Markets is not a market maker
Key to Markets executes deals directly on the real market without any filters or intermediaries. Trading is conducted through the MetaTrader 4 platform. Scalping is allowed.
Instant execution
The broker uses private servers located in New York, which makes it possible to execute orders in merely 2 milliseconds.
Awards and achievements
Forex Peace Army appreciated high-quality services, fast execution, and the PAMM system provided by Key to Markets.

Брокерски ревюта

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