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FX.co ★ Divisa Capital - Рейтинг на брокер, отзиви и коментари

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Divisa Capital

Начална година:2008
Страна на произход:Great Britain
Регулиране:FCA, Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, FSP
Начини на плащане:debit and credit cards, bank wire, Skrill, ClickandBuy
Минимален размер на сметката:$2,500
Минимален размер на партидата:0.01 lot
Спредовете:from 0.5 pip

Divisa Capital was founded in 2008. The broker is a member of the Divisa UK Ltd. Group of companies, the head office of which is situated in Great Britain. Representative offices of the broker are located in the United States, New Zealand, and Armenia.

The major challenge facing Divisa Capital was the opening of direct access to a private trader to prime brokerage services with real liquidity.

Divisa Capital is a pioneer among brokers, providing its customers with margin trading on the Currenex Viking and Currenex Classic trading platforms jointly with the MetaTrader 4 commutators. In 2010, the company introduced the White Label service that attracted small brokerage companies through lowering the threshold for entering the market. After another six years, the broker launched a trading platform for institutional investors - octXchange.

To date, customers of the company receive multilingual technical support, available 24 hours within five working days.
Divisa Capital is an official partner of Watford Football Club (United Kingdom) which participates in the English Premier League.
Repeatedly, the Divisa Capital broker was awarded such honorary titles as Best Institutional Provider and Best Liquidity Provider in 2014 and 2015.

Below you will find feedback on Divisa Capital which will allow you to make up your mind about trading with this broker.

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