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FX.co ★ FidelisCM - Рейтинг на брокер, отзиви и коментари

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Начална година:
Страна на произход:Cyprus
Регулиране:Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec 208/13), Financial Conduct Authority (FCA, the UK), Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID, the EU), Financial Supervision Authority (FSA, Poland), Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin, Germany), Comisión Nacional de Mercado de Valores (CNMV, Spain), Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA, Austria), Finanssivalvonta (FIN-FSA, Finland), Finansinspektionen (FI, Sweden), Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM, the Netherlands), Finantsinspektsioon (Estonia), Finanstilsynet (Denmark), Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA, Malta)
Начини на плащане:bank wire, Visa/MasterCard bank cards, Skrill, Neteller, FasaPay, UnionPay, QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, YouPay
Минимален размер на сметката:$5
Минимален размер на партидата:0.01 lot
Ливъридж:from 1:1 up to 1:400
Спредовете:from 0 pips

Fidelis Capital Markets (FidelisCM) is faithful to the principle «Trade until your dream comes true». This logo presents the broker as one of the most reliable providers of services in global financial markets.

The company has proved its leadership among other providers of financial services a few times. The broker has won various awards. The most significant ones are The Best Online Forex Broker and The Best Forex ECN Broker from CIOT Expo China as well as The Best ECN Broker from MENA Financial Expo and A to Z Forex, gained in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

The broker highlights the following advantages:
- transparency (no-dealing desk)
- fast order execution
- no requotes
- safety of trading instruments
- segregation of clients’ funds
- hedging, scalping, and news trading

For rookie traders, FidelisCM created learning courses which are available to anyone free of charge. Besides, the company offers training courses how to work with the MetaTrader 4 platform.

The broker holds a promo campaign for its clients, inviting them to win money prizes from $500 up to $5,000.

The company actively expands the partnership program, offering its partners individual support and a complete range of services, required for full-fledged cooperation.

To clear up all your doubts about trading with the broker, please check up the section «Reviews of FidelisCM». The degree of your confidence in the broker helps you make the right choice.

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