FX.co ★ Most expensive dog breeds
Most expensive dog breeds
Tibetan Mastiff
The most expensive breed today is the Tibetan Mastiff, with prices ranging from $6,000 for a puppy to $20,000 for an adult dog. Dogs of this breed have a powerful physique (the weight of some individuals can reach up to 80 kg) and quite a stubborn character, so their education requires a special approach. It is believed that the Tibetan Mastiff was bred in 1100 BC in the Himalayas to protect houses. Nowadays, representatives of this breed are rarely used as watchmen. More often, they become just faithful companions.

St. Bernard
St. Bernards, which cost up to $18,000, is one more breed of dog that is among the most expensive. They are large and muscular dogs that range in weight from 54 to 91 kilograms. Their appearance is characterized by a powerful head and expressive eyes. It is believed that these dogs were bred at the St. Bernard Monastery in the Swiss Alps, where they were originally used for search and rescue in the mountains. Today, Saint Bernards are renowned for their friendliness. They are easily trainable and have a strong protective instinct, especially towards their family members.

Lowchens, often referred to as little lions for their "hairstyle," are also among the most expensive dog breeds. They can cost up to $15,000. Lowchens are small in size, weighing between 4 and 8 pounds. Because of this, some believe that this breed of dog, which appeared in the XVI century, came from the Spitz or terriers, but none of these theories has ever received official evidence. Today, Lowchens are characterized by high intelligence, friendly character, and an active temperament.

Samoyeds are also on the list of the most expensive dogs. Today, the price for them could climb to $14,000. Samoyeds are medium-sized dogs with a body weight of up to 29 kg. They have a bright appearance with a thick white coat. The gods were bred in Siberia and were originally used for different purposes. Samoyeds fulfilled the roles of sled dogs, shepherds, hunters, and watchmen. These days, these dogs are known for their friendly nature, making them poor guards but wonderful companions.

Azawakhs round out the top 5 most expensive dogs. Their price could reach $12,000. Representatives of this breed have a graceful and slender physique with long legs, thanks to which they can run at a speed of up to 65 km/h. It is believed that the birthplace of Azawakh is West Africa. However, today, they can be found in absolutely different parts of the world. These dogs have high energy levels and good stamina, which makes them great companions for runners.