FX.co ★ Best countries to live in
Best countries to live in
Quality of life - 3
Safety - 2
Level of happiness – 2
The first place is occupied by Denmark. Thanks to strong government support for the population, this European country today has one of the lowest levels of social inequality in the world. Danes have access to free education and healthcare, as well as high salaries and good pensions. In addition, Denmark is considered one of the safest countries, not only in Europe but in the whole world.

Quality of life - 2
Safety - 10
Happiness level - 4
Switzerland took second place. It is a European country with one of the most prosperous economies in the world. Thanks to this, its inhabitants have considerable incomes. Health care, education, and the legal system are also well developed here. In addition, Switzerland is famous for its political stability, high level of security, and good ecology.

Quality of life - 15
Safety - 1
Happiness level - 3
The third line of the rating is occupied by Iceland, a European country known for its low crime rate and high degree of social trust, which makes life here safe and calm. Iceland's economy is stable, and the unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the world. In addition, the Icelandic government actively supports various social programs, providing access to high-quality education and healthcare.

Quality of life - 7
Safety - 13
Happiness level - 1
Finland is fourth on the list. It is a European country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world. A decent standard of living in this country is also ensured by high social guarantees and economic stability. In addition, Finland is among the top 20 countries with the lowest crime rate in the world.

Quality of life - 5
Safety - 3
Happiness level - 13
One European country, Ireland, closes the rating. Today, this state demonstrates sustainable economic growth, which provides its residents with a decent level of income. In addition, Ireland has one of the best education systems in the world due to the emphasis on innovation and access to first-class education. It also has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe, which confirms Ireland's status as one of the safest countries to live in.