FX.co ★ Military power: 5 countries, which can boast of the most powerful armies by 2030
Military power: 5 countries, which can boast of the most powerful armies by 2030
The experts place a premium on the Indian army. It is assumed to become the most powerful one in the world by 2030. The authorities of the Asian state constuntly give serious constant trainings to their military personnel – the country doesn't fell relaxed, as the India-Pakistan conflict can remind of itself at any moment.
The military budget of India amounted to $51 billion in 2016. The overall size of military forces also impresses – 1 408 551. Besides, the state keeps a sizeable stock of military hardware: 15 submarine ships, 1905 air units, 6464 tanks.

Estimating the European states' armies separately, the experts came to the conclusion, that the military force of France can become the most powerful one by 2030. Today the military-industrial complex of the country remains the strongest in the world, working for the state's needs and export. The French army is well-equipped – only modern equipment is held by soldiers.
The military budget of the European country amounted to $62.3 billion in 2016.

According to the experts, the Russian Federation, the military budget of which equaled $84.5 billion last year, will be in the top five in 2030. At the moment the state is not stingy for investments in the army's development and MIC supporting.
Today the world community's attention is upon the Russian Federation's military force – the Russian participation in military operations of Syria reminds of itself.

The American army is one more favorite of the experts. The United States of America spends enormous amounts for war needs. So, in 2016 the state's expenses achieved $601 billion – no other country in the world can't afford such spending.
In addition to the high number of troops (1 400 000), the States can boast of the vast experience of warfighting. Only for the last two decades the government has conducted wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries.