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FX.co ★ Fibo Group LTD - Peringkat broker, ulasan dan komentar

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Fibo Group LTD

Awal tahun:1998
Negara asal:Russia
Opsi pembayaran:Credit/debit cards, DIXIPAY, FasaPay, OKPAY, QIWI, WebMoney, Wire transfer
Ukuran akun minimum:$300
Ukuran lot minimum:0.01
Pengungkitan:up 1 :50 to 1:200 
Penyebaran:2 pips on EUR/USD 

The international financial holding Fibo is the group of companies delivering the leading-edge technologies of Internet trading on the financial markets and in the asset management.
The main field of the company’s activity is Internet-trading on Forex. The company offers its clients to obtain a direct access to numerous futures and options stock exchanges of the world and operate on one account with different instruments covering all financial and commodity markets (currencies, debt papers, stock indices of the world’s largest economies, metals, energy sources, agricultures etc.).

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