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FX.co ★ easyMarkets - Peringkat broker, ulasan dan komentar

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Awal tahun:2003
Negara asal:Cyprus
Peraturan:ASIC, 246566, CySEC, 079/07
Opsi pembayaran:Credit cards, PayPal
Ukuran akun minimum:$25
Ukuran lot minimum:0.05 lot
Penyebaran:4 pips on EUR/USD

easyMarkets Company took its rise in 2001.
easyMarkets Company is a division of the Research Center for Artificial Intelligence registered by the Moscow Chamber on January 12, 1993.
easyMarkets broker cooperates with ICVector Company organizing the international trading at Forex currency market.
easyMarkets system allows running trading operations in small amounts.
The feature of easyMarkets™ trading platform is that the trader has an opportunity to freeze the current rate of Buy or Sell for a few seconds and do not depend on further rate fluctuations.

Ulasan Broker

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