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FX Choice Ltd

Año de Inicio:2011
País de origen:Belize
Reglamento:IFSC (Licence number: IFSC/60/191/TS/15)
Opciones de pago:Wire Transfer, Visa, Mastercard, Poli, Neteller, Skrill, Webmoney, Bitcoin
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$100
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01

FX Choice Ltd. is a provider of secure online Forex trading services, offering its clients individual premier solutions for trading Forex, precious metals and future based CFDs.
We are striving to make a difference by offering all our clients state-of-the-art technology, unbeatable trading conditions, premium service and friendly, competent support. FX Choice processes a trade somewhere in the world every four seconds, safely processing more than 10,000 digital transactions a day.
Our qualified team has over 10 years of experience with online forex trading – as a broker as well as a forex trader. Therefore we understand the needs of our international client base in detail and we`re doing our best to meet every one of them.

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