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Año de Inicio:2014
País de origen:Cyprus
Opciones de pago:VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, QIWI, Webmoney, MoneyGramm, NETELLER, Skrill, Western Union, wire transfers
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$10
Tamaño mínimo del lote:1

Binomo is a European brokerage company. The brand is rather new as it was founded in 2014. Broker’s activity is regulated by the Financial Market Relations Regulation Center. The company provides its clients with access to options trading.
Binomo enables traders to choose from the most traded options such as binary, long-term, and pair options.
Importantly, the company provides all its clients with various training materials. On the broker’s official website, novice traders can find all needed tutorials, which are free of charge.  Besides, clients can always receive analytical support from experts at the company.
Binomo offers its clients trading via the SpotOption platform. Available applications for both mobile devices and tablets make trading even more convenient
According to the trading terms of this broker, the minimum deposit starts from $10 and minimum trade size is as low as 1 lot.
In addition to such attractive trading conditions, broker’s clients can get bonuses up to 50%. According to company’s statistics, investors can gain profits up to 94% trading with Binomo.   Unfortunately, the company does not offer free demo accounts to its clients that could be a serious drawback to cooperate with the broker.
You can get more information about trading with Binomo if you read the feedback on the company’s activity from real traders.

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