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Año de Inicio:2008
País de origen:Australia
Reglamento:ASIC, 318232
Opciones de pago:BPAY, Credit/debit cards, Skrill, Wire transfer
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$200
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01 lot
Apalancamiento:1:100, 1:400

AxiTrader (AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd) is one of the major Australian brokerage companies founded in 2008.
AxiTrader provides its clients with free access to up-to-date market information, direct access to a number of liquidity providers on Forex, narrow spreads and quick execution of orders with minimum slippage. The broker also gives strong client support.
The company’s trading conditions are suitable for both experienced traders and beginners on Forex.
The company offers such trading instruments as currency pairs, indices, precious metals, and other commodities. While trading instruments linked to indices, like Futures Index CFD, the client can take advantage of the service which comprises leverage, low costs and hassle-free process and also allows trading in the context of rising and falling market all over the world.
AxiTrader offers the following types of accounts:
  • AxiTrader Standard Account. Characteristics: spreads from 0.6 points, commission-free, minimum trade volume is 0.01 lots, 29 currency pairs, deposit from $200, leverage up to 1:400.
  • AxiTrader Pro 'ECN Style' Account. Characteristics: spreads from 0.1 points, $7 commission for swap transactions, deposit from $1,000.
  • AxiTrader Institutional Account. Characteristics: aggregated liquid assets, negative spreads possible, total anonymity of participants, available for Forex brokers, banks and investment managers only.
PowerTrader, iPhone/iPad and Android trading platforms. You can check out the latest AxiTrader reviews in the section Comments.

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