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Año de Inicio:2010
País de origen:Australia
Opciones de pago:bank cards, wire transfers, Skrill, Webmoney
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$200
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01 lot
Spreads:from 0.1 point

Pepperstone is a brokerage company founded in 2010 in Australia.
During the years of its operation, the company has won different awards for innovative solutions and quality services in the Forex industry. For example, according to the BRW magazine Pepperstone was included in the list of the 100 fastest growing companies in Australia in 2013 that brought the broker the trophy, BRW Fast Starter 2013.
The company uses the EDGE Forex technology, which enables clients to trade with an ECN account through a popular MetaTrader4 platform. Besides, working with Pepperstone you have MetaTrader 5 and cTrader platform at your disposal.
Pepperstone clients can open a live trading account and a demo account. Traders can choose between two types of trading accounts:
1) A Standard account operates under the following conditions: interbank spreads from 0.5 pips, AUD$0 commission, 62 currency pairs, precious metals and crude oil, a minimum deposit of AUD$200, leverage 400:1.
2) A Pepperstone Razor account means low spreads from 0.1 pips, a variety of trading instruments, the minimum deposit and leverage like in a Standard account.
Pepperstone’s key trading conditions and advantages:
  • STP processing of orders, liquidity from 22 banks and ECN electronic systems;
  • No limits on hedging;
  • All trading styles including expert advisors;
  • MAM accounts;
  • Swap-free or Islamic accounts;
  • Unique conditions for VPS hosting;
  • Educational materials on trading;
  • 24/7 customer support;
  • Automatic protection from a negative account balance;
  • Analytical market reviews;
  • Educational facility;
  • Affiliate programs.
Pepperstone reviews from real traders are posted in the Comments section.

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