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Año de Inicio:2014
País de origen:USA
Reglamento:New Zealand Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL), reg. #4937; New Zealand Financial Service Providers Register (FSP), reg. # FSP240705
Opciones de pago:Neteller, wire transfer, payment cards
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$500
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01 lot

FX-EDGE is a brokerage company founded in 2014.
With FX-EDGE, you can trade various financial instruments such as currency pairs, precious metals, and other assets by using the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. You can open both live and demo accounts with this broker including Islamic (swap-free) accounts.
The broker’s trading conditions include:
  • ECN technologies;
  • instant profit withdrawal and account insurance;
  • leverage up to 1:200;
  • stop-out at 50%;
  • minimum deposit of $500;
  • fixed spreads from 0.2 pips.
The company also allows scalping and hedging as well as automated trading. Traders are offered direct access to several liquidity providers in the currency market.
FX-EDGE also supplies its clients with educational materials. The broker’s online support team are ready to answer any questions related to trading.
If you happen to know any useful and up-to-date details about FX-EDGE, please feel free to leave your responses in the Comments section below. You can also read FX-EDGE reviews written by other traders.

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