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Año de Inicio:2010
País de origen:New Zealand
Reglamento:Brokerage services regulatory authority (Russia), Financial Disputes Resolution Scheme (New Zealand)
Opciones de pago:Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, WebMoney, bank wire
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$250
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01
Spreads:from 0 pips

TurboForex started its operation in New Zealand in 2010.

TurboForex offers narrow spreads and doesn’t limit trading to the duration of a transaction and the minimum difference between opening and closing price of a transaction. Hedging is allowed and a stop out level doesn't rise ahead of the weekends with this broker.
The broker offers the following trading instruments: 48 currency pairs, CFDs on indices, commodities, stocks, precious metals and bitcoins.
The main TurboForex trading conditions include:
  • Leverage up to 1:500,
  • Fixed spreads from 1.6 pips,
  • Floating spreads from 0.6 pips,
  • Instant order execution,
  • No commission.

There are 5 types of accounts available with this broker:
  • Mini (the minimum deposit of $250),
  • Standard ($1,000),
  • Premium ($10,000),
  • Fixed ($1,000),
  • InterBank ($5,000).
TurboForex offers such trading platforms as MetaTrader 4, TurboForex WebTrader, MobileTrader, Tablet Trader, and MT4 MuiltiTerminal.
TurboForex provides a video tutorial and a number of webinars to those clients who aspire to learn trading on Forex.
The company also has bonus programs and special offers. For example, a 100% bonus can be credited after the first deposit and every further replenishment. This means that the company makes a cash bonus on every deposit depending on its size. Besides, the company grants trading points for every transaction. You can use them for buying the goods in the TurboForex shop or convert the points in a trading unit.
The broker won a Masterforex-V 2014 Award as The Most Secure Forex Broker 2014.
You can estimate the quality and the security of the company by reading TurboForex reviews in the Comment section.

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