FX.co ★ Forexmart.com - Calificación, reseñas y comentarios del bróker
Año de Inicio:2015
País de origen:Кипр
Reglamento:CySEC, license №266/15
Opciones de pago:NETELLER, PayCo, Paxum, Cashu, Skrill, WebMoney, Ukash, Visa/Mastercard, China Union Pay, Megatransfer, Bank Wire, Paypal, Yandex Money, QIWI, AliPay, UnionPay, Bitcoin
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:1 USD/1 EUR/1 GBP
Tamaño mínimo del lote:$0.01 lot
Apalancamiento:from 1:1 to 1:1,000
Spreads:от 2 пунктов
ForexMart is a brokerage investment company that provides its services worldwide. The company’s activity is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), which is a member of the ESMA. The license number is 266/15.
The company operates under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and The Investment Services and the Activities of Regulated Markets Law of 2007.
ForexMart offers its clients access to the forex market as well as such trading instruments as precious metals and CFDs on shares. Available leverage for gold and silver is 1:100.
Traders can choose from a variety of trading account types. Besides, the company’s clients can benefit from the leverage of 1:500.
To open a trading account with ForexMart, a trader should have only $1. The company’s clients can also take advantage of competitive spreads, excellent trading platform, and perfect order execution.
ForexMart is proud of its round-the-clock client support service that is available 5 days a week. Moreover, the company is constantly improving its services and trading conditions.
ForexMart offers all its clients free VPS hosting. Besides, traders can make use of favorable affiliate conditions that allow them to increase income and become a professional in the sphere.
Notably, ForexMart is an official partner of Zvolen, a professional Slovak ice hockey club.
Before start working with the company read comments left by other traders who have already used its services.
The company operates under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and The Investment Services and the Activities of Regulated Markets Law of 2007.
ForexMart offers its clients access to the forex market as well as such trading instruments as precious metals and CFDs on shares. Available leverage for gold and silver is 1:100.
Traders can choose from a variety of trading account types. Besides, the company’s clients can benefit from the leverage of 1:500.
To open a trading account with ForexMart, a trader should have only $1. The company’s clients can also take advantage of competitive spreads, excellent trading platform, and perfect order execution.
ForexMart is proud of its round-the-clock client support service that is available 5 days a week. Moreover, the company is constantly improving its services and trading conditions.
ForexMart offers all its clients free VPS hosting. Besides, traders can make use of favorable affiliate conditions that allow them to increase income and become a professional in the sphere.
Notably, ForexMart is an official partner of Zvolen, a professional Slovak ice hockey club.
Before start working with the company read comments left by other traders who have already used its services.