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ATC Brokers

Año de Inicio:2005
País de origen:United States
Reglamento:CFTC, NFA
Opciones de pago:bank wire, credit and debit cards
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:USD 5,000
Tamaño mínimo del lote:1 lot
Spreads:0.6 pip

ATC Brokers has been operating in the financial services market since 2005. The clients of the American broker were among the first to gain access to currency and futures simultaneous trading.

Traders working with the broker have the opportunity to make transactions with foreign exchange contracts, precious metals, commodities, as well as contracts for indices and energy. In addition to trading through the most popular MetaTrader 4 platform, ATC Brokers offers access to trading through its own platforms, ATC Traders, and Trading Station II. Trading platforms are available for downloading to personal computers and mobile devices that support iOS and Android operating systems.

Technical support is available to customers within five working days, 24 hours a day.

Trading with ATC Brokers provides opportunities for using advisors, hedging transactions, and scalping in trading. In addition, participants in financial markets working with the broker can become members of the PAMM system and make use of trust management.

If you are ready to work with the company, pay attention to the feedback on ATC Brokers which will help you understand how exactly the cooperation with the company goes.

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