In a world where messaging apps are not merely tools for communication but also a way to stay abreast of the latest trends, Pavel Durov has sparked interest in his creation, Telegram, with a remarkable interview given to the Financial Times. According to Pavel, potential investors, including various technology funds ready to invest heavily, value the messenger at "$30 billion and possibly more." Despite the current volatile market conditions, Durov has decided not to rush into selling. Instead, he prefers to maintain course towards an Initial Public Offering (IPO) planned for 2025, presumably to allow everyone a chance to get on board, ensuring only the most daring investors participate. On the business front, Durov confidently stated that with the introduction of premium accounts and the launch of advertising, Telegram has begun to see "hundreds of millions of dollars" in revenue. It seems that Telegram is on the verge of transforming from merely a popular tool among users to a genuinely profitable business. "We are hoping to become profitable next year, if not this year," Durov told the Financial Times, suggesting that Telegram may soon not only connect people but also generate significant profits.