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Forex Humor:::2016-10-13T09:58:00

Jack Dorsey going to sell Twitter

Selling a ready-made business is a no laughing matter. On one hand, it’s quite simple to sell a “complete set”. On the other hand, it’s quite hard to give away your pet project. Still, everything has its price so a buyer won’t be long to come.

Thus, the legendary Twitter goes on sale. Some insiders say that the owners of the messenger are discussing the potential value of the company which is currently estimated at $16.7 billion. There is no official data, but some reliable information revealed that experts from Goldman Sachs and Allen & Co volunteered to find buyers. is considered one of the main bidders for Twitter. Independent experts believe that present CEO Jack Dorsey and key employees will leave the messenger to launch a new project.

Despite the fact that Twitter has posted negative financial results for several quarters in a row, its value is quite high in the market terms. At the same time, the Vine and MoPub apps which also belong to Twitter can increase the company’s value to $18 billion. Reportedly, Alphabet, Apple and media mogul Rupert Murdoch owning 21st Century Fox and News Corp. are also interested in purchasing Twitter.

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