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Forex Humor:::2017-03-28T08:28:00

Trump’s draft budget aims for public safety and national security

During the presidential race, Republican Donald Trump appealed to most US voters with his bold statements, large-scale election pledges, and priorities to domestic matters. Now at the helm of the White House, he again impresses US citizens with eccentric decisions.

Donald Trump named his first budget proposal “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.” The US President wants to call on Congress to approve stark cuts of funding a series of federal programs. The draft budget aims to boost defense and military spending. Besides, a large fund has to be allocated for building the wall at the southern border with Mexico. $52 billion for defense spending will be offset by stripping money from almost 18 other agencies. The Environmental Protection Agency will be hit especially hard by the biggest reduction of over 30%. The State Department will suffer a 20% cut of spending. At present, Congress is controlled by the vast majority of Republicans. Nevertheless, not all of them support Trump’s ideas. It means that some budget proposals will hardly pass. However, Congress could greenlight, for example, substantial increases in defense, law enforcement, and infrastructure spending. Apart from $52 billion on security purposes, extra funds are intended for the campaign against the Islamic State, for manufacturing new combat ships and F-35 jet fighters by Lockheed Martin. No doubt, the wall at the Mexican border, a pillar of Trump’s protectionist policy, deserves to be entered into the Guinness World Records book. The US President requests money to make the first advance payment to start construction. Besides, the draft budget mirrors Trump’s commitment to earmark funds for reinforcement of the US nuclear power, veterans of healthcare, the FBI, anti-drug, and anti-violence programs.

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