Representatives of Nord Stream 2 AG, an operator of the Nord Stream 2 project, stated that the route of the pipeline would be changed. The pipeline will run through the waters south of Bornholm island. The company bowed to pressure from the Danish authorities.
The route change along with an Environmental Impact Assessment report were required by the Danish Energy Agency (DEA). The Danish authorities supported the DEA recommending the operator to find an alternative route with the least impact on the environment and shipping. The new route of the pipeline will cross the territory between Poland and Denmark that was previously disputed, and therefore it was not available for any project developing.
Nord Stream 2 is scheduled to be finished at the end of 2019. The pipelay work is carried out from the coast of Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany. The pipeline is expected to deliver Russian gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine. The project costs 10 billion euros. Gazprom, the sole owner of Nord Stream 2, is ready to begin supplying gas from January 1, 2020.