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Forex Humor:::2023-08-01T14:21:35

Elon Musk: Twitter suffers huge losses

Elon Musk has long proved to be a successful tycoon as companies under his management tend to thrive. However, Musk said that recently acquired Twitter had posted disappointing financial results with a negative cash flow and a lower stock price. Musk also noted that the microblogging website was not profitable and lagged behind its main rivals in terms of advertising revenue. The entrepreneur's frank remark hit the audience unexpectedly. Responding to a user's suggestion to create more favorable conditions for the social network's content, the "Chief Twit," as Musk described himself, revealed the secrets of the company's financial problems. Apparently, the Twitter head took such a suggestion personally and began to complain about the negative cash flow instead of a simple polite response. "Need to reach positive cash flow before we have the luxury of anything else," Musk tweeted recently. "We're still negative cash flow, due to ~50% drop in advertising revenue plus heavy debt load," he added. Meanwhile, Elon Musk does not want to step back in the face of Twitter’s huge losses. He announced plans for a new artificial intelligence company called xAI. “I guess we will use the public tweets — obviously not anything private — for training as well, just like basically everyone else has,” Musk said.

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