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flag ★ Factory Orders in the United States Rise by 1.6% in March

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Forex News:::2024-05-02T14:00:00

Factory Orders in the United States Rise by 1.6% in March

In March 2024, the factory orders in the United States showed a significant increase of 1.6% compared to the previous month, as reported by the latest data released on 02 May 2024. This growth marks a positive turn from the 1.2% decrease in factory orders reported for February 2024. The Month-over-Month comparison reflects the current indicator, showcasing a rise in manufacturing activity during March.

The uptick in factory orders is a promising sign for the US economy, indicating potential growth and demand for manufactured goods. This increase suggests that businesses are investing in production, which could lead to further economic expansion in the upcoming months. Investors and analysts will be closely monitoring these trends to assess the overall health and resilience of the manufacturing sector in the United States.

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