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Forex News:::2024-05-22T20:39:00

Microsoft Introduces AI Copy-paste Feature For Clipboard

Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) has unveiled a novel feature dubbed Advanced Paste, integrated into PowerToys for Windows 11. Leveraging AI technology, Advanced Paste facilitates the seamless conversion of clipboard content, significantly boosting productivity by allowing users to copy code in one programming language and paste it into another effortlessly.

This feature is part of the complimentary PowerToys utility suite and enhances functionality by enabling users to choose the desired text format for pasting. It also incorporates AI capabilities to summarize, rewrite, or translate text as needed.

Included in PowerToys version 0.81, the Advanced Paste tool requires activation via a specific key command: Windows Key + Shift + V. Upon activation, an Advanced Paste text window pops up, providing various conversion options such as plain text, markdown, and JSON. Pasting as plain text eliminates all formatting, whereas converting to markdown retains HTML formatting by transforming it into Markdown. The JSON option converts the text into the JSON format, which is widely used in many programming languages and file types.

To make use of this feature, users must input an OpenAI API key within PowerToys.

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