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flag ★ Irish Consumer Confidence Slips to 65.7 in May 2024

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Forex News:::2024-05-22T23:01:00

Irish Consumer Confidence Slips to 65.7 in May 2024

Consumer confidence in Ireland experienced a slight dip in May 2024, as the index fell to 65.7 from the previous 67.8 recorded in April, according to the latest data updated on May 22, 2024. This marks a continuing trend of cautious sentiment among Irish consumers.

The drop in confidence suggests that consumers are becoming more uncertain about the economic outlook. Various factors could be contributing to this shift, including inflationary pressures, rising living costs, or concerns over international economic stability.

The decrease in consumer confidence is significant as it may impact spending behaviors, affecting various sectors of the economy. Businesses and policymakers will be closely monitoring these figures to gauge potential impacts on economic growth and to consider appropriate measures to stimulate consumer sentiment and economic activity.

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