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flag ★ New Zealand Retail Sales Rise 0.5% On Quarter In Q1

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Forex News:::2024-05-22T23:54:00

New Zealand Retail Sales Rise 0.5% On Quarter In Q1

Retail sales in New Zealand showed a seasonally adjusted uptick of 0.5 percent in the first quarter of 2024, as reported by Statistics New Zealand on Thursday. This increase outperformed forecasts, which had anticipated a 0.3 percent decline, following a 1.9 percent decrease in sales during the previous quarter.

Breaking it down by industry, notable changes included a 2.8 percent decline in hardware, building, and garden supplies, while food and beverage services rose by 2.2 percent. Motor vehicle and parts retailing experienced a 1.1 percent increase, recreational goods retailing surged by 4.7 percent, and accommodations saw a 4.1 percent rise.

The overall value of retail sales climbed by a seasonally adjusted 0.7 percent quarter-on-quarter to reach NZ$30 billion. However, on an annual basis, sales were down by 2.4 percent, following a 4.1 percent decline in the preceding three months.

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