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flag ★ South Korea Holds Steady on Interest Rates at 3.50% in May 2024

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Forex News:::2024-05-23T01:00:00

South Korea Holds Steady on Interest Rates at 3.50% in May 2024

In a much-anticipated decision, South Korea's central bank has opted to maintain its key interest rate at 3.50% for the month of May 2024, marking the second consecutive month at this rate. This decision follows an earlier stabilization in April 2024, when the rate was similarly set at 3.50%.

The announcement, made on May 23, 2024, signals a steady approach amid global economic uncertainties. Analysts suggest that this move may be a strategic effort to balance between fostering economic growth and curbing inflationary pressures. The unchanged rate reflects the central bank's cautious stance as it navigates complex economic dynamics.

Market participants will now be closely watching subsequent economic indicators and the next interest rate decision, eager for clues about future monetary policy directions in South Korea.

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