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flag ★ HCOB France Manufacturing PMI Edges Up to 46.7 in May 2024, Showing Signs of Recovery

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Forex News:::2024-05-23T07:15:00

HCOB France Manufacturing PMI Edges Up to 46.7 in May 2024, Showing Signs of Recovery

France's manufacturing sector has seen a slight improvement, according to the latest data from the HCOB France Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI). The PMI rose to 46.7 in May 2024, up from 45.3 in April 2024. This updated data was released on May 23, 2024.

The increase suggests a modest recovery in the sector despite remaining below the 50-mark, which delineates expansion from contraction. Economists monitoring the sector note that the upward shift may indicate stabilizing conditions in the manufacturing industry after a period of contraction.

With consecutive months of figures under 50, the French manufacturing sector faces continued challenges. However, the 1.4 point gain offers a glimpse of resilience and potential for future growth, echoing cautious optimism among industry stakeholders.

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