FX.co ★ How to confirm the authencity of banknotes in the denomination of 200 and 2,000 rubles with the help of a mobile phone
How to confirm the authencity of banknotes in the denomination of 200 and 2,000 rubles with the help of a mobile phone
The Banknotes 2017 application was announced on January 15. The launch of the version for Android was held on January 18, the version for iOS was also launched. So, what should you do?

The whole process takes several steps. Go to the menu of the downloaded application, click “Define the banknote 2017", and then point the camera of a smartphone to the note.

The service automatically recognizes the face value and side of the banknote, as well as it checks the authenticity of the separate elements and allow you to see the sights.

The banknote 200 rubles should include sightseeing attractions of Sevastopol: on the front side, there is a monument to the sunken ships, and on the back side - a view of Tauric Chersonesos. The national emblem of Russia is also printed on the front side of the banknote, and in the lower right corner, there is a QR code containing a link to the Bank of Russia website describing the banknote's protective features. The main color of this note is green.
The color prevailing on the 2,000 rubles banknote is blue. On its front side, there is a bridge to the Russian Island, on the reverse side - the Vostochny Cosmodromein the Amur Region.

Further, check the front side. To do this, align the note and the frame in the application. If the alignment is correct, the phone will vibrate, and the edges of the banknote on the screen will run green.

After this, it is necessary to check from a different angle. In case of successful verification, the service will display the inscription on the screen: "Signs of the authenticity are detected".
In the opposite case, a question mark appears on the screen with the inscription: "The application can not detect signs of authenticity".