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News in Pictures:::2018-03-20T08:25:23

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


Singapore is notable not only because of research centers of such global companies as Microsoft and Google, and free high-speed Internet access. In addition, the city is the undisputed leader in health, public safety, and productivity. Elderly people are provided with mobile gadgets that allow to monitor their health.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


To become an environmentally clean capital of the world the city introduces the most stringent measures to limit the traffic, trying its best to make its citizens use buses and trolleybuses instead of private cars. For this purpose, an interactive traffic management system was created, which includes toll roads, parking, and expensive licenses for having personal vehicles.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


The digital economy growth in the UK is explained by the impressive volume of both domestic and foreign investments. So, little-known ARM Holdings produces microchips for 95% of all smartphones in the world market. London takes the first place in multimedia design and technological innovation and owns the world's third startup platform Silicon Roundabout. The Internet technology area of the British capital attracts the world's largest technology companies, such as Facebook, Google, and Apple, which create innovative centers and research laboratories in the respective clusters.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world

New York

New York is known not only for banks and Broadway, but also for IT-technologies. The city has offices of about 10,000 high-tech companies that provide hundreds of thousands of jobs. Also, New York is the place of fiber-optic telecommunications global modernization. People have access to the integrated citywide technology LinkNYC, which provides universal free Wi-Fi. And the local Silicon Valley is one of the most developed in the world. During the past year over $7.3 billion were invested in high-tech.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world

San Francisco

San Francisco is home of so-called Internet archive which is a virtual library. Its task is to periodically archive the latest version of each of the 300 billion sites.

Despite the proximity of Silicon Valley, many companies prefer San Francisco to New York. In the vast tech area of the Bay Area which grew during the dot-com boom in the 1990s there are offices of such corporations as Apple, eBay, and Tesla Motors.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


The authorities in Chicago are going to install a network of sensors and cameras throughout the city, managed from a single data center. These sensors will track hundreds of different parameters on the streets, as well as inside buildings and infrastructure facilities (traffic density, air pollution, noise level, wind speed, illumination, etc.), which will be of great help in identifying problem areas in the city infrastructure and getting rid of them.

In addition, every year Chicago conducts programs for teaching students the skills necessary to achieve success in the field of high technology.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


Seoul occupying less than 1% of the country's territory is the economic center of South Korea, as it accounts for 21% of the national GDP. Offices of such technological giants as Samsung and LG are located in Seoul.

The policy of the authorities is aimed at the global spread of Internet technologies, therefore, second-hand smart devices are distributed free for low-income families and high-tech street lamps are equipped with router function. Intelligent CCTV cameras posted everywhere help to find intruders quickly.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


The global crisis of the 2000s did not particularly affect employment in the high-tech sector in Germany. The startup culture here is very powerful, the volume of venture investments is still one of the highest in Europe. In addition, Berlin remains the main center of medical technologies because of universal healthcare system.

At the moment, priority is green technologies.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


The capital of Japan is one of the leaders in software development in the world. It is one of the most technologically advanced cities which is known not only for its ultra-high-speed trains. The city hosts numerous exhibitions of advanced technologies, as well as technology corporations management meetings.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


Barcelona has become a smart capital in the last few years. The urban operating system Sentilo is the focus of all the smart devices in Barcelona, as it not only has a complete picture of what is happening at any time, but can also give a prediction based on the data already stored in it on urban water supply, lighting, road conditions, noise level, as well as information on the number of residents, taxes, and so on.

In 2017, the capital of Catalonia hosted the largest mobile technology forum Mobile World Congress which presented the achievements of advanced technologies in the communications to the world.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world


Australia, and in particular Melbourne, is famous for its large number of high-tech professionals. That is why IBM chose it to create its electronic innovation center in the Asia-Pacific region making it a participant in the Smarter Cities Challenge program.

Top 10 smartest cities in the world
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