FX.co ★ How May 1 is celebrated in different countries
How May 1 is celebrated in different countries
Traditions and modernity are surprisingly intertwined in Italy: some Italians celebrate this day in the style of peaceful mass marches and workers' parades, others - according to traditions that have come from Ancient Rome.
It is believed that the first spring festival was celebrated here. Trying to propitiate the forces of nature, immediately after sowing, the local people made sacrifices to the goddess of land and fertility, decorated cut branches of trees with flowers and solemnly (with dances and songs) brought them into the pantheon.

May Day in Greece begins with the search for the first swallow of spring. This is done traditionally by small children who then walk along the houses and sing the May songs, and the neighbors treat them with different sweets: fruits, nuts, and pies.

The famous Walpurgis Night got its name due to the holy ascetic and healer Walpurga whose grave was disturbed during the restoration of the monastery. Since then, there is a belief that on top of the Broken mountain on the eve of May 1 witches gather and together with Satan arrange a sabbath.
In modern Germany, on this day there are marches of trade unions and leftist political parties. Many demonstrations end with a beating of windows, arson of cars and collisions with the police.

In Spain, May Day is considered Labor Day, but people unofficially called it Green Santiago symbolizing a holiday of lovers and flowers. Traditionally on this day girls, crowned with bright flowers, go accompanied by young people who sing songs to them.

The Netherlands
May Day in the Netherlands is a truly fabulous spectacle! Here in late April and early May, there is the famous Tulip Festival, the central event of which is the Bulb Sunday.

Scandinavian countries
In the Scandinavian countries, May Day has deep pagan roots, therefore at this time, it is customary to praise the spring, burn high fires, dance and play loudly on musical instruments, that is, organize a real Walpurgis night. In cities, there are fireworks and fire shows.

In Hungary and a number of other European countries on the eve of May Day, young men plant May trees in front of the windows of their beloved. This tradition also goes deep in centuries, but to this day in most cases it precedes matchmaking.

South Korea
Despite the fact that May 1 in South Korea is considered the birthday of the Buddha, the religious overtones of the holiday are gradually moving to the background: for many years, various social events have been held in cities across the country: thousands of processions, dances, and concerts.

The UK
In England, it has long been customary to decorate the high May tree with gathered at dawn field flowers, choose the king (Robin Hood) and the Queen of May (Maid Marian), sing and dance. Medieval tradition has survived centuries: festivals in many English villages are still celebrated, and children go to homes and sell flowers. All the money they have collected is thrown into the "well of wishes" or given to charity.
In Scotland and Wales, the festival of spring and labor is called "Beltane": tens of thousands of spectators come to the grandiose fire festival traditionally taking place in Edinburgh.

May 1 in France is an official state holiday for 185 years since the issuance of a decree on the rights of workers of the French Republic.
Everywhere on this day, people give each other bunches of fragrant spring flowers as a sign of friendship and love and then go to the church where the ceremony of crowning the young heirs of the Virgin Mary is held. In magnificent processions, glorifying the Mother of God, even cows participate with bouquets of flowers tied to their tails.

History of the Turkish May Day knew both peaceful folk festivities and bloody demonstrations when as a result of clashes of trade unions members with law enforcement, dozens of civilians died. The Day of Spring and Labor, abolished in connection with the military coup in 1980, was returned after the events of May 1, 1997, in Istanbul, when 136 people were killed.

The official celebration of Labor Day in the United States is held in September, but many trade unions and public organizations move away from state doctrine and take to the streets together with workers all over the world.
Parties dedicated to May 1 are very popular. Children choose May queens, dance around the May-tree and sing songs. In school parks, they collect spring flowers, put them into specially made paper baskets and leave them under the doors of relatives and close friends.