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FX.co ★ FxPro Financial Services Ltd. - Peringkat broker, ulasan dan komentar

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FxPro Financial Services Ltd.

Awal tahun:2006
Negara asal:Cyprus
Peraturan:CySEC (license № 078/07); FSA (reg. number 509956); ASIC (AFS license № 405750)
Opsi pembayaran:Wire transfer, debit/credit cards, FasaPay, Neteller, PayPal, Skrill (Moneybookers), WebMoney
Ukuran akun minimum:MT4-account –$100; ECN-account – $100
Ukuran lot minimum:MT4-account – 0.1 lot; ECN-account – 10.000 lots 
Pengungkitan:from 1:1 to 1:500 
Penyebaran:MT4-account - from 0.8 pips; ECN-account - from 0 pips

FxPro allows you to trade on 10 different platforms, offering both mobile applications, web terminal and an innovative ECN-platform FxPro cTrader.
A unique offering of the company is to reduce the spread down to zero points on the ECN-platform. On MT4-accounts you can trade greatly expanded the list of financial instruments and the orders are execute without commission. Company's service get access to news leading news and analysis service.
The company has representative office in Russia with headquarters in Cyprus, where FxPro Financial Services Limited is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) (license number 078/07) and operates in accordance with MiFID Directive.
In addition, in Australia and the United Kingdom opened subsidiaries FxPro Australia Pty Ltd (authorized and regulated by ASIC, license number 405750) and FxPro UK Limited (authorized and regulated by the FSA, registration No. 509956).

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