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FX.co ★ FXCC - Peringkat broker, ulasan dan komentar

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Awal tahun:2010
Negara asal:Cyprus
Peraturan:Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), The Financial Services Authority (FSA), Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), Investor Compensation Fund (I.C.F.)
Opsi pembayaran:wire transfer, credit cards, Moneybookers, Neteller, China UnionPay
Ukuran akun minimum:$1000 (FXCC Standard), $ 50000 (FXCC Advanced), $200000 (Brokers & Treasuries)
Ukuran lot minimum:0,05 (FXCC Standard), 0,1 (FXCC Advanced),0, 01 (Brokers & Treasuries)
Pengungkitan:1:1-1:500 (FXCC Standard), 1:1-1:200 (FXCC Advanced), 1:1-1:200 (Brokers & Treasuries)
Penyebaran:from 0,7 pip (FXCC Standard), 0,4 pip (FXCC Advanced), price on application (Brokers & Treasuries)

FX CENTRAL CLEARING Ltd. is a regulated currency broker offering a wide range of trading technologies and services. The business model of FXCC (ECN / STP) allows the clients of the company to use the transparent price formation in the real time mode where the clients have a unique environment on the Forex market, that presents the best STP (StraightThroughProcessing) liquidity, execution and trading functionality. One of the main advantages of FXCC is the absence of dealing which makes it possible to execute automatically the clients’ orders.

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