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Dividend calculator

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Dividend adjustment

When trading CFDs, the dividend adjustment is taken into account - "dividend adjustment"

If there is an open Buy position on the register fixation day (Ex-dividend date), the amount of the amendment is credited to the trading account, if there is an open Sell position (Sell), it is debited.

There is a table of dividends below, it contains information about the next date of dividends charge on every trading instrument of the NYSE group. Dividend pointed out in the appropriate column will be charged for each position on #CFD instrument which is not closed before the pay date. All dividends are in dollars per share.

Example: in case at the ex-date of dividend in the amount of A of share #B there will be "Bought" position in 2 lots the sum of dividend, which will be charged from a deal with shares #B, constitutes 2lots X 100 shares X A USD. If there are several opened positions of share #B the sum of all positions is taken as A value.

When the balance of deals is negative (the sum of deals has SELL-slant) the dividend has a negative value.

Dividend correction calculation example:

Committee of directors of Microsoft company(MSFT) declares redeem of quarterly dividend in amount of $0.130 for stock on 10th of June:

* Ex-Date - 18.08.2009;
* Record Date - 20.08.2009;
* Pay Date - 10.09.2009.

Dividend's amount for the deal with the volume of 1 lot will make 100 x 0.130 = 13 USD.

Having position for selling with the volume of 1 lot (100 stocks) on 18th of April, 13 USD will be discarded. Having position for buying with the volume of 1 lot - 13 USD will be added. Charges will take place in the day of registry hold.

Dividend table
TickerPay DateEx-DateAmount
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