FX.co ★ AccentForex - Calificación, reseñas y comentarios del bróker
Año de Inicio:2010
País de origen:Seychelles
Opciones de pago:Credit/debit cards, OKPAY, Skrill (Moneybookers), WebMoney, Wire transfer
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$1
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0,1
Apalancamiento:1:50 to 1:200
Spreads:from 0,4 pips
The main purpose of AccentForex broker is to offer high quality online trading services to traders all over the world. The broker’s customer-oriented priorities include quick execution of orders and requests, the highest possible thoroughness of available services and user-friendly company's products. AccentForex attaches great importance to the use of new technologies, uncovering new trading opportunities and developing solutions for its customers' needs that exceed expectations.