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Año de Inicio:2014
País de origen:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Opciones de pago:wire transfer, credit and debit cards, NETELLER, Skrill, Bitcoin, WebMoney
Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta:$1
Tamaño mínimo del lote:0.01 lot
Spreads:from 0.8 pips

SimpleFX was launched in 2014. The founders claim that the main distinguishing feature of the company is the opportunity to trade bitcoins, which is a modern digital currency.
The company offers its clients a large assortment of trading instruments. For example, traders can benefit from trading sixty currency pairs, indices, crude oil, precious metals, bitcoins, and litecoins, which is another modernistic cryptocurrency.
The broker provides its clients with the opportunity to use a handy and reliable MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Every trader who works with Simple FX is entitled to open five live trading accounts and the same amount of demonstration accounts.

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