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Top 3 remarkable architecture projects of 2021

Little Island

In the spring of 2021, New York citizens welcomed a long-awaited public space - Little Island Park. Its construction started 7 years ago and cost more than $400 million. The park covers 10,000 square meters and is located over the Hudson River. It is an artificial island supported by 132 concrete columns called “tulips” and connected to the shore by two pedestrian bridges. The park features three stages and at least 100 different species of trees and plants

Top 3 remarkable architecture projects of 2021

Wormhole Library

In astrophysics, the word “wormhole” means a space tunnel that connects two different universes. This phenomenon has inspired Chinese architects to create a futuristic library. It is located on the coast of Hainan Province and was opened to the public in the spring of last year. The modern design of the building features smooth curves without any corners or construction joints. Its large panoramic windows are facing the South China Sea. The Wormhole Library covers 1,500 square meters and stores more than 10,000 books.

Top 3 remarkable architecture projects of 2021

Le Dome Winery

Le Dome WineryThere is nothing special about the exterior of this French winery. It is comfortably nestled in the hills of Saint-Emilion known for its rich winemaking legacy. However, its interior is a real gem of architecture. Le Dome introduces its guests to all stages of wine production. On the second floor, visitors can taste wine, and a circular atrium allows them to look down onto the wine production and storage spaces below.

Top 3 remarkable architecture projects of 2021
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