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Top 5 generous benefactors in US

Warren Buffett ranked 1st

Since his first donation, the legendary investor has allocated more than $46 billion for various causes. This is an all-time record both in the US and world history. The net worth of Berkshire Hathaway’s founder exceeds $115 billion. Warren Buffett has donated the biggest part of these funds to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This nonprofit organization was established with a view to fighting poverty and famine as well as creating equal education opportunities.

Top 5 generous benefactors in US

Bill and Melinda Gates ranked 2nd

The couple divorced after a 27-year marriage last year. However, they still run together a charity fund, their joint brainchild. In the course of its existence, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated more than $33 billion. Over the last 2 years, the organization has given away large sums for the campaign to support the COVID vaccination and development of vaccines against the virus. After the divorce, Melinda has been focused on her own investment company, Pivotal Ventures, which funds charity organizations for women’s rights.

Top 5 generous benefactors in US

George Soros ranked 3d

91-year old George Soros is well-known not only as an outstanding moneyman and a controversial investor. He is considered one of the most influential benefactors in modern history. The billionaire created the Open Society Foundations in 1993 that comprise several charity nonprofit organizations. Since their establishment, these charities have donated over $18 billion. Nowadays, the Open Society has representative offices in 37 countries. His foundations support economic and social equality, democracy, liberty of mass media, impartial justice, and fight against any discrimination.

Top 5 generous benefactors in US

Michael Bloomberg ranked 4th

The ex-mayor of New York has been expanding his donations year after year. As of 2021, Michael Bloomberg spent the total of $12.7 billion throughout his lifetime. The owner of the first-class news agency backs a wide scope of causes such as environmental issues, education, and healthcare. In 2018, the media tycoon made the largest donation in the history of university education. He allocated $1.8 billion to his alma mater, the Johns Hopkins University.

Top 5 generous benefactors in US

McKenzie Scott ranked 5th

The ex-wife of Jeff Bezos has been known as a generous soul. She embarked on the charity activity during her marriage with Jeff Bezos. However, after the divorce, McKenzie Scott scaled up her donations, making them more frequently. For the last two years, she has transferred nearly $8.5 billion to various causes. The bulk of her donations has been allocated to the projects against racial, gender, and economic inequality. In 2021, Forbes recognized her as the most powerful woman in the world for her active social stance.

Top 5 generous benefactors in US
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